Category: Diet

Veganism is Scary

Chelly | Sept. 30, 2022, 4:03 p.m.

Veganism is Scary photo

The best way is one step at a time so as not to overwhelm yourself. Here are some Healthy Tips on beginning your Vegan Journey:

  • Be experimental! Don’t suffer through veganism hating the food you are eating. Read food blogs, cookbooks and ask for advice on social media. For example, if you cannot stand soya milk, don’t brush aside all plant-based milks, try a coconut milk latte instead. And try out new ingredients that you may not have tried before – you may just like them.
  • Get your friends or family on board – be honesty with them about what you’re doing and why you are doing it. Even better, ask them if they’d like to join you on your journey. The more support you have, the better. Plus, it makes it more fun to cook and eat with other people!
  • Have an open mind. Don’t begin with a defeatist attitude that this will be difficult, and that you will have no energy because there are millions of vegans flourishing by eating this way. Try not to be too hard on yourself if you slip up once, carry on and note it as a lesson learnt.

Ultimately, every journey has bumps along the way, but remember why you are taking this path. Remember about the benefits that you are going to achieve. Find out how your health will improve and the ethical reasons, why it will be a good choice for you. If you can find other people in the same boat, they may be able to help you with initial issues and point you in the right direction. A good tip is to get to know the people in your local health shop, they will be able to give you great advice, and recommend food to try.



My name is Chelly and I have started looking into ways to improve my health, I am not really into Gyms, so try to find easy ways to get fit in my home. I want to improve my aerobic fitness and my diet could do with a help too. I like cooking and hope to add a few recipes of my own.


Charles Dec. 27, 2022, 3:32 p.m. wrote:

I have been trying to adopt a vegan lifestyle, but I regularly lapse and give up, so I think I will try it again, maybe it will work this time, thanks


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