Category: Relaxation

Learn to Relax

Chelly | Oct. 13, 2022, 6:22 p.m.

Learn to Relax photo

It can be good for you to evaluate what is going on with your life, journalling can help you to identify what is going well. This can help boost your self esteem and keep you on track when you have goals to achieve. When you are feeling down, it can be hard to identiify the good things, so taking a time out gives you an opportunity to put any issues in your life into perspective.

You can start a journal at anytime, it not just for the new year. You can put in whats going on with your life, what you are looking forward to and what you want to work on. You can put in your happy events or how you feel, this will help put things into perspective. Be gentle on yourself it does not have to be major things and if you miss a day, just go onto the next day, there are no penalties for missing a day.

Some people give up if they don't keep it up, but anything goes, try it out, it can change your life. It is a simple step that anyone can integrate into their daily life, and over time you will be able to learn what triggers negative emotions, and what improves your mood, in this way you can have more control over your mood longterm.



My name is Chelly and I have started looking into ways to improve my health, I am not really into Gyms, so try to find easy ways to get fit in my home. I want to improve my aerobic fitness and my diet could do with a help too. I like cooking and hope to add a few recipes of my own.


KieranKing Dec. 27, 2022, 3:18 p.m. wrote:

I recently did a workshop on journalling and got some great tips, I am going to start a journal in the new year, and now I know the benefits, Thanks


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